Saturday 9 April 2011

First Day, First Show :: Practical Idealism

Practical Idealism: What?

According to Wikipedia, that great trove of information, practical idealism is defined as 'a philosophy that holds it to be an ethical imperative to implement ideals of virtue or good. It further holds it to be equally immoral to either refuse to make the compromises necessary to realise high ideals, or to discard ideals in the name of expediency.'

That is what the definition states. There have been numerous books, papers and thesis in this subject. But how do I understand the concept? Practical Idealism is a way of life. When you are talking about this, you are attempting to combine elements of two completely different ways of living into something which enables you to survive the highly competitive and mean world that we live in with your conscience and beliefs intact. In simple words, it means that while you dream of a better world, a world without hunger, poverty and war, you also know that in order to fulfill these dreams, you need to wake up and work hard.

Practical Idealism: Who?

People who believe in this way of life are called Practical Idealists. There are numerous people who follow this and propagate its advantages in a world like ours, but the most famous, in fact the man who coined the phrase 'Practical Idealism' was Mahatma Gandhi. Throughout his life, the Mahatma waged many battles against injustice through his satyagrahas. He believed that non violence was the only way in which a people enslaved for so many years could truly attain freedom. But all his various struggles- whether the satyagraha in South Africa, the Champaran struggle or the Civil Disobedience Movement- were rooted in the various problems faced by the common man on the road. They were not abstract ideas of freedom, liberty and injustice. But something the people could relate to. He did not 'give' them the freedom or the strength. He just showed the way for the people to discover the freedom and the truth within themselves.

Practical Idealism: Why?

Finally, why should we pay attention to this philosophy? Lets do what we do, work, earn, marry, enjoy life and leave the decision making and changing the world (if it can be changed) to the politicians or worthless dreamers? Right?


We should pay attention to this philosophy and work towards achieving something worthwhile not because we should or because its our duty, but because we can. Because the world wont become a better place on its own. It would become one if we get up out of our comfort zones, open our eyes to the world around us and DO something. Things will change, if we want them to change. This does not mean that you leave your job or your studies. No. You can do both simultaneously and exceedingly well if you want.

Its easier to sit back and criticise. Agreed. But its more worthwhile to get up and start working and start believing. Whenever i say this to people around me like my friends they reply "What can we do? We can do nothing" No, you can do lots of things. If you see a small child working somewhere, speak up. Teach the woman who comes to work at your home. Be aware. Make people aware. Raise your voice when you can. And sometimes even when you cant.

Do something.

Become a Practical Idealist.

Cheers. :)

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